General Classroom Info

General Information


Monday – Music with Ms. Roos

Tuesday – Art with Mrs. Kost
Wednesday – Library with Mrs. Davidson

Thursday – P.E. with Mr. Sisley (wear gym shoes)

Friday – Computer Tech With Mrs. Davidson


Homework will be sent home on Monday and Wednesday.  Most of the time the homework will be a reading, math, or work work assignment. 

Monday’s homework is due by Wednesday and Wednesday’s homework is due by Friday.  Please help your child clean out their folder and keep at home anything else that does not need to be returned to school.  Each nine week a list of “Homework Heroes” is posted in the hallway across from the cafeteria doors.  In order to be a homework hero, all homework must be turned in by its due date.  More than 2 late homework assignments will result in missed recess time.


There are 24 children in our classroom.  Birthday treats may be sent with your child to pass out to the class, if desired.  In order to avoid hurt feelings, I always ask that birthday party invitations not be passed out in class unless all children are invited.    


        In case of absence, I will be glad to send home missed work with a brother/sister or neighbor.  Just call the office and let them know who to send things with.  Please complete and return any missed work as soon as possible.


Your child may bring snacks to eat at recess time.  In fact, I encourage you to send a morning recess snack if your child is not a good breakfast eater.

Scholastic book orders

        Book orders and software orders will be sent home monthly.  You will have the option to order online or send the order to school.  I use the bonus points earned from student purchase’s to buy books and games for our classroom. 


        With our phone system, you can call and leave a voice mail message for me.  My extension is 5123 and I will make every effort to return your phone call as soon as I am available.  I also check my e-mail frequently.  My address is